Thursday, May 24, 2007

An interesting candidate

What if I told you there was a candidate who served as Secretary of Energy and is thus intimately familiar with both commercial energy matters and nuclear technology?

What if I told you there was a candidate who was Ambassador to the U.N.

What if I told you there was a candidate who has been a wildly successful and popular governor of a non-east coast state?

What if I told you there was a candidate who was asked by a President of the opposition party to go overseas and broker a deal with a country that has proved recalcitrant and hostile. AND that he did this successfully, quickly and with relatively little fanfare. Oh yeah, the deal got that country to cease production of a nuclear arsenal.

This candidate is Bill Richardson. I'm not exactly endorsing him. I think he's somewhat fringe on some fairly major issues. But I do find it interesting that his resume is wayyyyy better than everyone else's. Look at his opponents in the democratic party.

Hillary: Senator for 7 years for the state of NY. All other resume items came as First Lady
Obama: Worked in state government and then as a US senator for the past 3 years
Edwards: Senator for 3 years before dropping out to run for President and then Vice-President.
Guiliani: Mayor of New York for (8?) years
Romney: Governor of Massachussettes
McCain: Long time Senator
Thompson: Senator / Actor
Gingrich: Senator in a leadership position

The resume of Richardson is so much more robust, diverse and (most importantly) applicable to the challenges we face that its not even funny. He's definitely an interesting candidate. I think it also helps that he's Hispanic without looking "too" hispanic. It bugs me that this is an item even worth mentioning but I believe it probably is a factor that will matter.


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

Ron Paul (R) from Texas, is the only candidate that I can justify support for. I found it interesting that he came in second to Romney in the Fox News poll after a debate involving 10 Republicans. Of course, the Faux News talking heads tried to then discredit their own polls and lable Dr. Paul as a whacko because he has no neo-con agenda. In fact, he actually wants to enforce the Constitution. Novel approach in this day and age.


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