Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Heroes and the upcoming season finale


Like most of my friends, I've become absolutely hooked on Heroes... Last night's episode was largely a "set-up" episode designed to get all the players into the right places prior to the bomb (or non-bomb as the case may be). However, there were some very interesting "revelations" and occurences.

New Dead Characters: Heroes writers are not shy about killing off characters. Last night saw the death of Lenderman, Thompson and Ted Sprague. There are other characters that are "on the chopping block" at the moment. D.L. Hawkins and Ando are both in trouble and Molly has a gun to her head at the moment. My guess is that none of them die but that's just a guess.

New Heroes: Molly was introduced last episode and we have strong implications that both of the Petrelli Parents have powers as well as Hiro's father. This "revolving door" of characters is clearly intended to keep the show fresh with new interactions for the core group (Peter, Claire, Hiro, Niki, Parkman). Also, NBC has announced a spin-off that will introduce new characters weekly with the viewers selecting the ones that will make it to the core show... interesting...

Resolution of plot threads: We've now had Suresh's backstory largely tied up and it appears that Niki and Jessica have (at least temporarily) resolved their issues. Nathan has definitively won the election (and with Lenderman dead he's free to do largely whatever he wants). We also now know what Sylar's goal is (become President) as well as some clues as to what is going to happen next week (surely a climactic Peter vs. Sylar confrontation).

New power twists: Most of the characters continue to grow more comfortable with their powers over time. D.L. demonstrates an aspect of his power that any comicbook fan could have guessed at but has never been hinted at on the show. Peter was able to make Claire invisible with him (an ability Claude never displayed). Peter is also getting more reflexive with his powers as well as better able to use them.

Questions unanswered:
  • Who's going to blow up NYC: We've seen Peter control the radiation power so it seems entirely likely that Sylar is going to be the one to detonate the bomb. The only other possibility is that we have some mega-plot twist and it turns out to be neither of them but someone else (Terrorist, Plot by Lenderman, etc.). The corollary question to this is, "Will they actually stop the bomb?" to which I believe the answer is YES!
  • Is D.L. going to die: I think this is highly unlikely. We know that in the future Sylar will (probably) kill D.L. Now obviously the future is mutable (witness the cheerleader being saved) but I'd bet that the next big turning point (the thing that keeps us from the "String Theory" future) is the events that stop the bomb next week. Also, if you pay attention to the previews, you see D.L., Niki, Micah and Molly all huddled together at some point in next week's episode.
  • Is Jessica gone: This one is a bit muddier. I think we've seen a turning point in the Niki vs. Jessica saga but I would expect for the Jessica persona to appear again in a high stress moment.
  • Is Sylar going to die: I personally think, "Yes", but its up in the air. My reasoning is that Sylar makes a somewhat staid and predictable villain. However, one of the things that's been largely left out, up to this point at least, is his "missing" powers. FBI agent Audrey indicates that he killed 8 (?) victims earlier in the series. We know one of them gave him his TK and one gave him his Cryokenesis. But that leaves several others. Some of those were probably "collateral damage" (remember the persons "forked" to the wall) but surely not all of them. It seems odd that they'd kill off Sylar without letting us in on the secret... Maybe he won't die in this episode but rather be put "on ice" to be brought back later (incarcerated, coma, etc.)
  • What is Nathan going to do: This is a biggy. We know that in the future he blamed the bomb on Sylar (but it was actually Peter). This may indicate that the future has already been altered a little bit. We also know that he has a real dislike for Lenderman and a habit of playing both sides against the middle. I find it hard to believe that he's going to sacrifice his own brother and I'm inclined to think that he (along with Claire) are going to play big parts in helping Peter stop Sylar. Should be interesting though... Maybe the big change that's coming is that people see the fight and the world discovers that there's heroes out there but see three (including a newly elected congressman) fighting for good rather than a bomb go off for the forces of evil...
Ancillary plot threads: These are things that I've noticed and my wife and I have talked about but haven't really been brought out in the show.
  • Was that really Ms. Petrelli telling Nathan to sacrifice Peter: Last week, it appeared that Nathan's mom was telling him that he needed to sacrifice Peter for the greater good. This seems somewhat out of character for the lady (though she has proven to be somewhat manipulative in the past). I'm inclined to think it was Candice and not Angela Petrelli. The other possibility was that she was telling Nathan something else and it was not what we assumed it to be (the writers kept the dialogue suspiciously non-specific).
  • Where's the Haitian: Everyone else was carefully maneuvered into NYC last night. With the exception of the Haitian. He seems like a very useful person to have when fighting Sylar... Maybe that's the reason they didn't want him there (too easy a plot device?).
  • Is Nathan really the son of the Petrelli's: I'm reading alot into the show here... But I thought it was interesting that EVERY 2nd generation hero has a pretty significant power "bump". Claire can heal from anything, Peter absorbs powers, Micah can make electronics do whatever he wants, Hiro can fold space/time. The exception here seems to be Nathan, whose powers appear to be more on par with the general 1st generation heroes (flight vs. phasing, hearing, melting things, strength, etc.). Certainly that is not a plot element they have focused on but it is an interesting trend with an interesting anomaly.
  • Who were the other old generation heroes: Lenderman makes reference to allies... and the way he says it sure makes it sound like there's more than 3. We have pretty strong indications of Mr. Nakumora and Mr. and Mrs. Petrelli... But who are the others?
  • Whose side is Mr. Nakumora on: This is a weird one. Claire's origin story clearly indicates a link between him and Lenderman (with a subtle tie in to the Petrelli's). Did their falling out occur AFTER that point? Or was their a falling out? Who are the people he's talking about who "lost their way"? We are really in the dark on who the players are for some of this.
Well... that's my (rather long and rambling) entry for Heroes... hope you enjoy.


At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just trying to figure out who is good and who is evil on the show. It's hard for me to believe that Lenderman could have been bad because he had the power to heal. He did act as a villain many times though, but I truly believe it was a means to an end. The future that they showed us wasn't his fault because he dies before he could influence Nathan. That said, if Lenderman wasn't really a villain, Is Nathan? My answer is yes. I believe that Nathan and the other Petrellis besides Peter(and claire if you count her) are the "lost their way" elders. I think this leads us into the probability that Sylar dies and Nathan becomes the villain shortly.

I can't believe that during the whole blog you harly mentioned Hiro or Isaac. I believe Isaac saw the future and wrote the comic book in a way to get the desired outcome, meaning not everything will come to light, but the way that Hiro and Ando respond to the images will change the future(stop the bomb)

In conclusion I just want to say that I think Ali Larter is still F'in hot.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Agreed on Ali Larter... yowza...

I think Nathan is going to surprise us (again)... He's always hedging his bets and I think that will continue...

I think Lenderman is clearly a bad guy... The power to heal was probably chosen for two reasons
1) It gives us a nice plot device to heal Nathan's wife and,
2) It's a nice irony that one of the big villains has the power to heal people

I'm still pretty certain that Candice was impersonating Angela Petrelli... either that or they were talking about something else...

Either way... next week is going to ROCK!

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

When Hiro and Ando went to the 5 year future, Nathan was already dead. Sylar killed Nathan and Candice, that is how he got the ability to fly (flew away from the press conference in front of "ground zero") and he told Claire he met a nice girl named Candice who made it possible to become President, "the most special person in the world" line. He obviously took her power which he always does by killing them.

Until Hiro changes the time path, I think everything will happen as Isaac painted it. Peter will be the bomb and it will go off...once. But, Hiro will go back in time and stop Peter somehow, likely with someone else's help (Claire?) so that the bomb went off only in one future, but not the one that the show will end up following. Or everything will happen as Isaac painted it and next season will be the left over Heroes job to fix it, which they always have the ability to do because Hiro and Peter can time travel, and presumably Sylar.

I think Jeff is right that Sylar dies because he was listed last week as guest starring. He wouldn't be a guest star anymore if he was going to be aroud next year. The question is how do you create a better villain than Sylar? He basically has all powers available to him, so who else can you trot out there that is more badass than that, not to mention he has "make mommy proud" issues so he's always dangerous.

I love the concept of a spin-off show with audience selection, that is as long as audiences are smart. Let's face it, with Studio 60 and Drive getting poor ratings, and audiences abandoning good shows that take an occasional hiatus, audiences aren't that bright. We could end up with friggin' Jar Jar Binks in the next season if we're not careful.

As for Nathan having weak powers compared to Peter, the older brother being lesser than the younger brother happens all the time in literature. Like you said, though, there may be a different daddy for Nathan and Peter. I don't think for a second Angela Petrelli is too wholesome for that to be out of the question. A friend of mine read somewhere that next season will show a lot of backstory with Angela, Linderman, and Sulu back in the day. Should be cool.

I wonder when Hiro gets to go back and save his waitress girlfriend. After saving the world he'll deserve a little naughty time.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

By the way, Jeff, Studio 60 returns next Thursday at 10pm (5/24/07). I think they're just going to air the episodes they already produced since ER is having its season finale this week and they needed something to fill the spot. Pretty sure, the show isnot coming back next fall.

I read somewhere, some fan group, that someone suggested networks moving good shows that don't get awesome ratings but have strong fan loyalty to their sister cable networks like FX and ABC Family. I know shows like Studio 60 are paying alot for talent, but they should just write it into their contracts that if they don't get to X rating the show gets bumped to cable and the salary for next season is reduced. The talent can then either be written out of the show if they won't take the rate, or they can be glad they're still working and take a pay cut. It would probably work for a show like Drive that didn't have high priced cast members. Four Kings should have survived but as I mentioned, audiences are stupid. No reason it couldn't have gone to MSNBC or something. You know those guyes would all be glad to still ne working.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

What's not clear is whether or not Hiro has changed the past or not...

There's really 3 futures at play:'

Future Hiro's: In this future Sylar killed Claire early on... we don't know much about this future other than that it can't be "vastly" different then the future we saw or else Future Hiro would have been more disoriented...

The future we saw: In which Sylar didn't kill Claire till later

The future that is now: The main time line... what isn't clear yet is whether or not we've deviated from the "string theory" future yet or if there is something else that needs to happen...

I'm thinking some combination of Claire, Peter and Claire will defeat Sylar Monday night...

As for who will be a better villain? I don't know but they'll come up with something...

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

If Sylar remains or some other villain takes his place, I'd like to see a team of villains. I liked how the people we thought were bad guys at the beginning of season 1 (Bennett, the Haitian) actually turned out good, but it would be cool to see some villains working together. Maybe Kring is too afraid of the Xmen comparisons, but hey, I love Xmen so I'm OK with it.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think we've seen a "team" of villains:

Roberts, Lenderman, Candice (maybe Angela & Nathan Petrelli)... But I understand what you're saying...

What I don't want (which is weird for me to say) is for the show to become to "comic-booky"... I like that you watch the show and forget they have powers to some degree...

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

Agreed. If they start wearing tights, it's all over. Bu, it i fun that Hiro and Ando make references to comics and pop culture. It would be dumb if they tried to pretend no one ever thought it this concept before. The 9th Wonders comic was a nice touch, too.

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

What is interesting to me is how DL, Niki, maybe Nathan all seemed to understand their powers before the eclipse yet most of the others, Parkman, Hiro, Claire, and Peter, seemed to be awakened for lack of a better term when the eclipse was coming, but not during the eclispe. It was several weeks before. Sylar, too. We know many characters had their powers for a long time, otherwise Bennett wouldn't have had his job for so long, but some of them seemed to have them unlocked around the time of the eclipse. Did they ever really explain that? Maybe next season with Origins. In X-Men the powers surfaced during puberty, but there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason with Heroes, unless I missed it, yet they still call it genetic. I wonder if they will explain why passing it hereditarily doesn't affect which powers someone has. Micah's power isn't similar to DL or Niki.

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Nathan definitely knew about his power before the eclipse... remember that he flew out of the car the night his wife was paralyzed...

The big mysteries left are the eclipse and the symbol... It'll be interesting to see if they're just left as recurring symbols or if they eventually have some meaning assigned to them...


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