Friday, July 14, 2006

Mental Note: NEVER complain about too many kids!

This story is amusing, frightening, inspiring and sad all rolled into one...

How would you like to be cruising along with your 3 kids and find out you're pregnant with triplets... Well, it wouldn't be so bad if you had in vitro fertilization and kind of new the odds... right?

Now imagine yourself 3 years later... One of your older kids has moved away but you've still got 5 in the house... including 3 3 year olds... All of a sudden, you're pregnant again... unintended this time... Well, okay... how much harder can 7 be then 6... oh wait... they're multiple births... oh wait... they're quadruplets...


For the family in that story it's reality... yikes ;)


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

I hardly find it inspiring that a family with two kids even attempted in-vitro fertilization considering they live in a one bedroom apartment in East LA. I would never tell anyone how to live, but it seems unfair to bring more children into a family that is not yet living comfortably. I could accept the unexpected quadruplets but to attempt IVF (which they probably paid for since most insurance carriers don't cover IVF) when you already have two kids is irresponsible, especially when the family of four is in a one-bedroom apartment in a poor part of an already expensive city.


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