Monday, August 21, 2006

For all you Creationists out there

This article presents an interesting point of debate for Creationists vs. Evolutionists. I've long thought that evolution was a fairly accurate account of history. But there are significant holes in the theory.

Why the evolutionary leaps that we see?
What created life?

Here's an article that I'm sure some Creationists will latch onto as a evidence of divine intervention. I won't opine on whether I think it is or not. But it certainly is interesting.


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

The article IS interesting. It doesn't, however, prove or even attempt to prove that Creationism is by any means correct. It will give the Creationists something to use against evolution, but unjustifiably so. All the article proves is that something happened and we don't know why. Yet.

There is also, rarely suggested, that there is a higher power that created life to evolve. Creationists usually cite the Bible as the exact truth. Science has already disproved it, or at the very least proved that if the Bible is the exact truth God is messing with us by providing logical, scientific evidence to the contrary.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Why can Creationists &/or Intelligent Design (ID) advocates solve Sudoku Number Puzzles so quickly?


It’s just a matter of faith! It’s the same method creationists and now ID specialists resort to in trying to prove their unsustainable “intelligent design theory”. Creationists can just stop searching for reality by just assuming all gaps in current understanding and/or knowledge of evolution must be filled with a (G=god) solution. As Prof Richard Dawkins explains in chapter four of The GOD Delusion; “If an apparent gap is found, it is assumed that God, by default must fill it.” Saves them having to think and question I suppose.

Much like the progress one makes by eliminating the possible numbers in each square as a Sudoku puzzle is solved, “gaps shrink as science advances and God is threatened with eventually having nothing to do and nowhere to hide.” This of course “worries thoughtful theologians” however the greater worry for scientists (and the rest of us) is that groups through politics or fear will walk away from the “essential part of the scientific enterprise [that is] to admit ignorance.”

Nothing is more dangerous than a, ‘I have all the answers’ arrogant preacher followed by a bunch of non-thinking ‘god-botherers’ driven by blind faith who absolve themselves from their societal responsibilities with the comfort of unquestioning feeble-minds!

Although some see Dawkins as a bit of a raver and less scientific in his arguments than he could (should) be, if you read Pascal Boyer's "Gods, Spirits and the Mental Instincts that Create Them", Dawkins’ 'emotional' approach to battling the “ID” lobby is also needed.



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