Monday, May 21, 2007

Heroes season finale tonight... Woohoo!!

Tonight we get the big answers:

Will the bomb go off (and if so, by whom)?
Will Syler be stopped/killed?
What's going to happen to Lenderman's organization?
Will Nathan passively betray Peter?

I'm dying to find out...

While we're geeking out, I've gotten back in to Magic: the Gathering pretty heavily. The current set is fascinating in that it previews future sets in a fascinating manner. I think its interesting that no other game of this genre has had the lengthy, profitable success that Magic has had. Games like Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon have had some flash in the pan success. Other heavily hyped games (the Star Wars TCG anyone?) have also gone by the wayside. This is a genre for which the primary originator has managed to maintain its role as top dog for an impressive period of time (nearly 15 years).


At 10:07 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

In the immortal words of Eric Cartman, "Sweet" and "Kickass!"

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

I'm curious how Peter gets his facial scar. I'm curious how Sylar is able to act while Hiro is freezing time. To our knowledge Sylar has never killed anyone who can do such a thing, so has he killed a different time Hiro? Hmm. I wonder if these questions will be answered at all because it is possible that 5 years future is avoided.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

The Peter's scar thing is a big mystery... But the Hiro thing is pretty obvious (to me at least)... Hiro just failed... when he saw his father he said, "I couldn't" (or something like that)... he didn't say, "He stopped me" or "He fought me" or anything like that... I think he just couldn't bring himself to do it... Hiro's not a killer...

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post Finale I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. The ending almost seemed like a cop out. I'll write more of my disappointment later.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

I liked it. A lot of people are saying it was anti-climactic but I think aside from Peter's acting and some small directing miscues the story was good and the outcome was positive. I always think a first season should end positively. I would be surprised if the second season ends well. I like Hiro in Japan at the end. Peaks my interest about the symbol on the shogun flag and the eclipse. I liked how Sylar melted into the sewer as opposed to just dying outright. Leaves open many possibilities. I liked how the characters I liked survived, that is if Parkman lives through the night. I would have liked to see Nikki help Peter more instead of going back to her family at Peter's direction. I don't buy that Peter didn't want help from whomever was willing to give it. A friend of mine suggested that Peter can't control Ted's power when Nikki is enraged, but I think it's fear that prevents Peter from controlling his powers as much as he would like. I will say Peter isn't too bright. Either he can't use multiple powers at once or he just isn't smart enough to realize that he could have flown away himself without Nathan's help. Anyway. I give it a B+. I think almost every episode is a B+. I'll take a season of B+'s over a season of a dozen A's and a Dozen C's. Keeps me wanting more. Again, I'm rambling. Sorry to hijack your blog, Jeff.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

hijacking is permitted here ;)


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