Monday, January 07, 2013

Road to improvement

Below, I've rated the champions that I own and how good with each of them (on a scale of 1-10) I am. I doubt I'll ever be good enough to rank a 10 on them but I'd like to have more 8's (right now, Malphite and Sona are the only 2) and also be able to play an ADC and a jungler without embarrassing myself (my 0/6/0 jungle Kha'Zix performance yesterday was, in fact, an embarrassment... only slightly worse than my 1/7/2 Vayne performance). I'm also pleasantly surprised by the relatively low number of "never playeds" on that list. Lets me know I'm getting my money's worth for those bundles.

Ahri: 7
Alistar: 4
Amumu: 4
Anivia: 5
Annie: 5
Ashe: never played
Blitzcrank: 6
Cho'Gath: 5
Corki: 2
Darius: 4
Diana: 7
Mundo: never played
Evelynn: never played
Ezreal: 3
Fiddlesticks: 5
Gangplank: never played
Heimerdinger: 6
Janna: 4
Jax: never played
Jayce: 3
Karthus: 4
Kassadin: 5
Katarina: 6
Kayle: 3
Kha'zix: 4
LeBlanc: 7
Malphite: 8
Malzahar: 5
Master Yi: never played
Morgana: 5
Nasus: 5
Nunu: 6 (for support, 4 for jungle)
Rammus: 5
Rumble: 3
Ryze: 4
Shaco: never played
Singed: never played
Sion: 4
Sivir: 5
Skarner: 5
Sona: 8
Soraka: 6
Swain: 5
Talon: 6
Taric: never played
Teemo: 5
Tristana: 5
Tryndamere: never played
Twisted Fate: 5
Twitch: 5
Vayne: 4
Veigar: 6
Vladimir (don't own): 6
Warwick: 4
Yorick (don't own): 6
Zilean: 6


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