Thursday, January 03, 2013

Gave Galio a try last night... Holy skill shots batman

I've been very excited to try out Galio on a free week and it finally happened. He's a unique champion in that he scales off MR and tends to be incredibly AP tanky by the end game. However, what's odd (and somewhat frustrating) about him is that his two damage dealers are fairly slow traveling skill shots. His Q, in particular is tough to land against an opponent who's moving with any kind of speed at range. His E is a little easier but even it has reasonably significant travel time. I had trouble just hitting the Bot Malphite I was playing against for practice. Now granted, part of the problem with hitting a bot is that they move somewhat erratically and differently than what a human would do... But I was still a little frustrated. Compounding this is that he doesn't start out very tanky and he's melee for his auto-attacks so you almost are forced to farm with his skills (making him an early game mana hog).

Having said all that, I think he's very powerful. His damage is actually very good for a tanky character. Malphite is probably the best counterpart to him (tanky AP melee) and his damage absolutely eclipses Malphites. His ult is really interesting (AoE taunt with magnified delayed damage after a channel). I wouldn't pop it immediately in a team fight but it was doing nearly 30% of malphite's health in the trial game (and taunting him).

So I'm not surprised he doesn't get played a lot. He's somewhat niche (in that he's a heavy counter for AP but fairly squishy against an AD team) and he's also got a reasonable skill cap. his builds, after the first couple items, are not intuitive either which is a bit frustrating (clearly abyssal scepter, merc treads and Athene's are the first three items you're going to want... but after that it's tougher). But I do think he's an important champ to know and you shouldn't leave him out of your repertoire just because he's so different. He's pretty much a hard counter to Malphite (although you won't kill Malphite in lane) and also Amumu or any diving AP Assassin (Katrina, LeBlanc, etc).


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