Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Things people should try

Here's a random list of slightly off the wall things that I think people should try in LoL. Some of these I've given a go at and some of them I've yet to do. All of them are significant breaks from the traditional mold.

Heimerdinger solo top: Heimerdinger is known as a pusher. But he doesn't have to be. You CAN just set up camp outside your turret and farm and poke. His HP regen allows him to sustain for a good long while. He can survive 2v1 fine and against a single opponent, buying Banner of Command can lead to many a pushed down tower.

AD Zilean: Zilean has a lot of cycles to do different things with in the late game. He also only has one ability that really scales off of AP (although BOY does it scale... the only .9AP scaling AoE I'm familiar with). Building pure AD + Attack speed or building Hybrid through something like Guinsoo's + Hextech can give your team significantly more AD damage from a fairly unexpected source (I mean, really? Who targets the Zilean?)

Super Tanky Malphite: Sunfire Cape + Runic Bulwark + Guardian Angel + Frozen Heart + Merc Treads: That's a Malphite that is very, very hard to kill. If you make your 6th item Warmogs, you might as well just walk straight for the nearest tower and face tank it cause nothing will kill you.

Hybrid Morgana: I want to try Hybrid Morgana with Lichbane. It sounds like a surprising amount of fun.

Lane swapping: Purple side lane swaps with some fair regularity these days in competitive play. I'd get used to seeing it and get comfortable with your ability to 1v2 if you're a top laner. Additionally, get comfortable bullying people 2v1 because it's GOING to come up.

Double Jungle: The new jungle provides an interesting new way to max resources. In theory, double jungle then jumping out to double support should yield more total xp because of the bonus shared xp you get. Add to the fact that the double jungle provides a HUGE amount of uncertainty to the other team (they can double counter jungle, double gank, double support, etc) and you have the potential for real fun.

Play Yi, Akali, Darius, Teemo at least once: These are probably the biggest "noobstompers" in the game right now. They have mechanics that you need to understand and playing them is the best way to do that.

Just some fun ideas


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