Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The joy of music (League of Legends style)

After acquiring Sona about a week ago, I finally got in to playing her some. She's a BEAST of a support champion. She has all of the tools you'd want a versatile support to have (with one exception, more on that in a moment).

She can sustain her lane's health (and her own... without targeting)
She has very high burst damage early game
She has good range (550) and great speed (330)

So she fits both the mold of sustain support AND aggressive support which is a rarity (I'm not sure there's anyone else that comes close). The one thing she lacks is a spammable CC. Her slow power chord requires a reasonably high skill cap and doesn't do enough (IMO) to be worth it. However, she makes up for this by having a HUGE AoE stun as an ult that can absolutely change team fights. Stunning three enemy team members (and smacking them with 500+ magic damage) can lead to a completely flipped team fight.

In a game where I was paired with Ashe on bot, I managed to go 3/0/1 at one point. He and I then roamed to stop an Amumu from taking Dragon. Not only did we easily chase off and kill Amumu, I managed to land enough Hymns of Valor (the damaging one) that I got the kill on the Dragon following behind us. Right now, I'm building her as a fairly standard support but I'd point out that her speed, range and natural aggression makes it so that pick pocket is probably a very good skill to take. Take control of brush and just go bonkers harassing your laning opponents.


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