Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bought LeBlanc last night

She's on sale for 487 RP but I went ahead and bought her with IP for 3150 since that seemed "cheaper" in the long run. Played a bot game with her to get the timing down (she's a very combo oriented champion) and then played a game of Dominion.

I gotta say, there's NOTHING more fun in League of Legends then seeing someone who thinks they're safe because they're at 80% health learn the hard way that 80% health is NOT safe. As best I can tell, the "easy" combo (QRW) will kill any champion of comparable level that hasn't bought some tank if they're ~80% or lower. Now you have to make sure you hit with the teleport to trigger the mark and the teleport has a lower radius then the Q. So I wouldn't throw the Q right away when you approach, get a little inside the radius. Conversely, if you're playing against LeBlanc and she tags you with her Q, RUN AWAY. It doesn't actually do much damage without triggering the second half of it but if they get off QRW then your BEST case scenario is that you're going back to base (you're facing 2 seconds of silence so retaliation is unlikely... plus, they've probably already snapped back to their starting teleport point).

A REALLY, REALLY bursty champ. The biggest challenge with her is recognizing that you're not a carry late games in the sense that your combo is likely to only take out one opponent every ~20 seconds. So a fed LeBlanc isn't actually that scary because late game it won't be as influential as (for example) a fed Karthus or Diana. The real power with her is to get a bit ahead in mid, and then leverage that advantage onto the rest of the  board. Gank bottom and take out the ADC or support and THEN LEAVE. That way your bottom duo can bully the remaining player and either get a kill or keep them under wraps.

One other note, I wouldn't bother with blue buff. Yeah, the mana regen is niceish but you don't HAVE to have it and you can't kill blue without taking a fair amount of damage, even late game. On the other hand, the Wraith camp is an insta pop with your teleport so you should kill it regularly  to up your CS by a fair amount every 60-90 seconds.

Really fun character and an absolute terror in lane.


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