Thursday, December 06, 2012

Twitch + Runaan's = Drool

So the new Runaan's is a pretty crazy (and relatively cheap) item for AD carries (and for Teemo!). It sends two little shots out for every autoattack you do. And, critically, those shots also trigger on-hit events. It also grants a pretty obscene 70% attack speed. So if you build this as soon as team fights begin happening, you essentially guarantee that your team will win team fights if you can stay alive for 3-4 seconds.

At lvl 18 with this (and the 4% attack speed mastery) you'll be 2.04 shots per second when you come out of ambush and hitting for at least 187. You're also applying a 6 second true damage dot that will hit for 6*8 (48) damage per stack and stack up to six times.

So in the first 3 seconds of an engagement, you'll hit for:

187 * 6 (base attack)
(10 + 187/2) * 12 (your Runaan's)
18 * 48 (with some of it already applied and some of it lasting over time)
80*3+(35+187*.25)*18  Popping your E (this is actually the low end as it assumes your venom is only on three targets)

That's 4939.5 damage in 3 seconds to 3 targets. You probably have a little bit of armor pen from runes and masteries but even if your opponents have ALOT of armor, you're probably doing (by yourself) 300-400 damage per second per target to ~3 targets. You've also got a bit of life steal in there just to make it harder to DPS you down. I'm not sure whether black cleaver (reducing their armor) or Infinity edge (20 more AD and spiking crit damage) is the better next purchase. I suppose it depends, ironically, on how much armor they have (because of the quirk in the system that makes flat armor pen matter LESS when they stack armor... not more). If they have modest amounts of armor, the Black Cleaver is probably better. If they have lots and lots of armor, it may be better just to focus on raw DPS (I don't know the crit system well enough to know how this fully works though).

Either way, Twitch could be downright frightening if he gets the Runaan's (presumably, he'll complete with a Blade of the Lich King and Frozen Mallet)... At a final build, he's doing 7500 damage per 3 seconds + crits + 4% of the health of the targets (which gets applied 18 times) + 30% slows to at least three targets. Knife through Hot butter is the phrase that springs to mind.


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