Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Free week meta

Yesterday I did a little blurb about the free week champions, I thought that it would be good to summarize the impact on the low-level solo queue where you see a much heavier emphasis on the free week champions. Here's what you're going to see this week

Graves/Caitlyn and Rammus/Sona on bottom: Rammus is a really good, really badly understood aggressive support. He is tanky and has a nearly unstoppable knock up. There's nothing more terrifying then trying to run away and seeing a little rammus ball spinning towards you. sona is a much better traditional support type character. Great for solid sustain. Graves is a fairly cookie cutter AD carry. A bit tougher than some with a low cooldown easy to use escape and stacking resists from being "in combat". Caitlyn has the highest range of any character in the game (650!).

Brand / Twisted Fate / Morgana mid: Each of these characters brings something very different to the table. Brand is stupidly high burst. TF is crazy mobility and the ability to sustain with mana, stun or aoe at will. Morgana gives the team some utility and durability as well as good aoe DoTs. TF is probably the one you want to press hardest against in lane. He lacks the burst of other champs. Be wary about getting stunned under turret, however. Also pay attention to which card they're conjuring up. If they're struggling to get the right card, press hard. If they're good enough to get the right card each time, back off and be a little more patient. But your job in the mid is to keep him in lane and not roaming.

Nasus / Morgana / Jarvan IV top: Nasus is a farm all the time kind of top. His Q will get really, really, really good by the end of the game if you let him last hit at will. Pressure him. Get him to press you. You want a low creep count when fighting Nasus because it hurts him a lot more than it hurts you. Jarvan has an ultimate that will isolate people. If you have an escape then great (Ezreal, for example). Otherwise, keep Flash handy in case he jumps on you.

Zed, randomly seen throughout: Zed is not as bursty as I'd feared. He's got a little better sustained DPS then some other Assassins though. His shadow can do funny things so pay attention to what's going on. I haven't played much as him and don't know him all that well but he's reasonably nuanced to play so don't expect players to go all ginsu with him.


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