Friday, November 30, 2012

The power of a good jungler

Last night, I played a game with a Cho-Gath who quickly called for the jungle. He needed a hard leash on blue buff to start but after that, he was great. I was in top solo. If you haven't played much Summoner's Rift, at least at the level I'm at, the "standard" arrangement is 2 on top, 1 in mid, 2 on bottom. So my top lane Malphite was against a Blitzcrank / Pantheon duo. As a result, I was kept nearly completely locked out of minion farming on the top. This isn't "bad" per se but it is difficult. If you find yourself in this situation, here's some tips:

1) Build a little bit tankier. Malphite was really good for this because you naturally want to build him that way but Galio, Vlad, Warwick, etc could all be good in this situation.
2) Pick someone with some ranged abilities: Either a ranged auto-attack or 1-2 ranged attacks are going to be very important. For me, the only reason I was able to get ANY kind of farm was that I could throw the rock or step closer and use the PBAoE shock wave to pick off champions.
3) Pick someone who scales well with levels and less so with gold: I had 3 champion kills 5 minutes into the game. It was bad. But, because I was 1v2, I was at level 6 while they were at level 4. That's a big HP/Armor/AD advantage that can make up for some gold (especially if they haven't gone back and spent it yet!).
4) Talk to your jungler about a gank at 6. Your jungler should be 5ish when you hit 6 against 2 lvl 4s. If you're smart about it, you should be able to get a kill at that point.
5) Don't press. You're 2v1. If you push past the river, you're really just exposing yourself to ganks from them. This is ESPECIALLY important if you're purple side where it's easier to slip behind your opponents. It's also important if they are making heavy use of the bushes. Stay aware of where both your opponents are.

It's not a lost cause but it's going to feel very desperate for the first 10 minutes. Just stay calm. Farm as best you can under the turret and work towards that lvl 6 gank (which you should look into snowballing into a 3v1 middle lane gank after that).

I'm not sure who the best champion is if you think you're going to get 2v1 on the top. Malphite was OK but with someone with a little better range, I could have had a better amount of farm early (not MUCH better but better than 3!). I think Vlad would work really well in this situation but there's probably others I'm not thinking of.


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