Friday, November 16, 2012

First 5v5 played. Ouch

I got on the chat room with the lowelo guys and joined a 5v5 game. Due to my limited champions pool, we played blind which is not the ideal way to play, apparently. The consensus was that I should go ap carry mid lane and they suggested choosing between Vlad and Twisted Fate. Not knowing TF really well and knowing that he's somewhat difficult to play, I opted for Vlad.

I got trounced and so did our team. To be fair, it wasn't all my fault, there was another guy on the team (lvl 30) who was NEARLY as bad as me. But it was mostly my fault. The skills required for 5v5 are significantly different than in 3v3. Last hitting is much harder because the towers are closer (in the middle at least) and you don't have the option of popping in to the jungle to get three kills to catch up on gold like you do in TT. Not having flash also hurts. It's so ubiquitous that it's, frankly, a little annoying they don't give it to you earlier.

I then played another game this morning (random solo queue this time). This time I was Lux because no one wanted to support. So I supported in the bottom lane like I'm supposed to and then when it was obvious our top lane was non-existent, I went up there to at least harass and deny them a free tower push. I ended up killing Wukong 4 times and eventually going on a rampage before my (largely incompetent?) team finally fell apart. I finished 6-4-8 with more creeps killed than any of my teammates. Good thing I picked a support character!?!

It was an interesting game, however. I may play more 5v5. You get more xp and influence points but the games take ALOT longer. I'm also clearly not as good at it (yet?). The next game I'm going to try playing either Fiddlesticks or Yorick since I know them a lot better and see how that goes. Should be interesting.


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