Monday, November 12, 2012

McConnell should step down

I kind of like Mitch McConnell. He seems like a nice enough guy. But his senatorial strategy has been unsuccessful. The most glaringly obvious point has been on "Repeal and Replace" for Obamacare. Remember that? Sadly, there's been no "replace" on that issue. And that's because the part of the Republican caucus that WANTS to pass stuff is being stifled. They're afraid of an idea being co-opted and granting a legislative win to the Dems.

No offense to these fine gentleman, but does anyone think that McConnell and Kyl are the harbingers of great policy ideas? The senate has become a place where ideas go to die. Anything that conflicts with the status quo is viewed askance.

McConnell, for both the good of the part and the good of the country, needs to step aside and let someone knew step up. My personal preference is Marco Rubio. He's conservative without being bombastic. He has ideas that are new without being a mad genius (a la Newt Gingrich). He disagrees without demonizing. But there are others. John Thune would also be a fine choice if someone slightly more tenured is desired. Heck, I'd even be okay with Rand Paul (who I disagree with on many issues) or Rob Portman (who is almost painfully bland but understands the issues of the day). Any of those gentlemen could give the party a break and divorce them from old positions that are no longer tenable.

A guy can hope right?


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