Monday, November 12, 2012

League of Legends

It's funny the way things snake in your life to take you down paths you'd never have expected.

I updated apps on my phone and one of them was twitter (which I almost never use @Econoclast).
On a whim, I opened twitter.
It happened the be the day that The Mittani first pimped out (I was a follower from back to the Jita riots)
I looked at and got sucked back into EVE
I also got the MWO beta (which is being covered by
I started reading everyday
They started covering League of Legends
I tried it and didn't like it
They KEPT covering League of Legends including an article designed for EVE players as a primer
I tried it again and LOVED it
So all because I updated my phone, I've now got three hobbies pulling on me and, frankly, MWO is suffering (partly due to technical problems on my computer), EVE is in the middle and LoL seems like the most likely recipient of my limited time.

Bottom line, I've gotten sucked into League of Legends and spent the better part of last night (till 2am, I'm ashamed to say) reading about Jungling, AP Carry and item trees for Yorick. If those words mean nothing to you, it's because you don't play LoL. Maybe you should.


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