Monday, November 12, 2012

Unfounded conspiracy theory? Or great book plot!

This whole thing with General Petraeus got the wannabe author in me thinking. What if it's all a plan? What if this is a way to get a plausible asset into the Lebanese government (the girl he had the affair with is Lebanese)? What if it's a way to make Petraeus look flippable by Chinese intelligence? What if this is the greatest spy story that will never be written?

Too bad real life intrudes and it's (likely?) just a run of the mill affair with a run of the mill high ranking intelligence official. What a missed opportunity!

On the plus side, I really can't imagine how that conversation with his wife would go if it was all fake, "Honey, some stories are going to come out tomorrow that I'm resigning due to an affair with a very pretty Lebanese woman half our age. Don't worry though. It's all fake and part of my master plan."

What wife would doubt that?


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