Friday, November 30, 2012

IPL 5, day 1 results

Interesting results after just 1 day of IPL. 24 games have been played and the results are stark for some characters

Lessons learned:
1) If you don't have first pick, ban Diana: Diana has been banned 15 times and picked 8 (yes, in only 1 game was she ignored). In the 8 games she's played, she's 7 and 1. She's that good.
2) Lee Sin is nearly as important. He's been picked in 9 and banned in 12 and gone 7 and 2 in the games picked.
3) Apparently you have to play Lulu. Lulu has only been banned 4 times and been picked a whopping 17. Her win percentage is only 9 and 8, however. She appears to be the "standard" support. Not necessarily the "best" support.
4) Maybe you shouldn't ban Orianna. She's the third most banned champion (11) but her record has only been 1 and 5. So maybe she's not quite as good as people thought.
5) Holy balance batman!. 56 Champions have been played so far and 39 champions have at least one win. That is REALLY good balance for a game with 105+ champions.


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