Monday, December 10, 2012

My "Want to Buy" list

I mentioned the expected cost to my champions but I didn't actually mention the champions. I've categorized them into four categories.

Definitely going to buy: These are ones that I'll windmill slam the "Purchase" button as soon as these guys go on sale.

Yorick: Played him on free week when I first started playing. I love him. He gives me a good top lane option as well as a really strong bruiser. I suspect he can also jungle respectably though I haven't run that experiment yet.

Vladimir: Also played him on free week. I love the idea of stacking HPs to ridiculous levels and he has some really interesting, but straightforward mechanic. Another top lane option (it looks like I'll need a couple because my "team" needs a top laner).

Orianna: Her mechanics are really interesting and difficult to use. A good mid lane option that can fill a lot of roles.

Malzahar: I like pet classes. He summons a beastly little guy every 4th spell. His spells also bring some good utility with an AoE silence and an AoE health % damage.

LeBlanc: A bursty, mobile champion. She's not a HUGE help in team fights but she has some really interesting abilities and the ability to burst down anyone who's even a little squishy. I'd also like to try her with Liandry's where, if I'm not mistaken, Ethereal chains will hit for 20% (+ the normal damage) and then comboing into her ultimate for another 20%. That's really powerful.

Kha'Zix: I really like how this guy can customize himself as the game needs. In particular, his wings give him a long leap that's just terrifying but there are other ways to tweak him during a game. A nifty character with interesting mechanics.

Galio: Another unique character with an ability unlike anyone else's. He stacks MR to become really, really tanky and can work top lane or mid lane. His ultimate is pretty powerful in a team fight as well.

Ahri: Has really nifty mechanics and is very bursty. Has a whole "power of threes" thing going as well as one of the coolest taunts in the game. She blows a kiss and you walk uncontrollably towards her... that's just cool.

Leaning towards buying but want to play them on free week first:

Gragas: Oozes flavor. He walks around with a keg. When he uses his abilities he takes a drink of beer which heals him. He's also got some nifty abilities that let him influence a wide swath of the battlefield with very long range skill shots and an ultimate that has an explosive dispersal that can be used to separate a team very well.

Nami: The new support champ. Her ultimate is nifty and her heal/damage bouncing ability gives her a lot of versatility and poke.

Urgot: An AD carry that used to be considered overpowered. He has the best scaling auto-attack in the game and his abilities give him some interesting damage options. He's relatively bursty for an AD carry which is interesting.

Xeraith: The only one of this category that I've actually played. But I only got to play him against bots. He's walking artillery with the ability to essentially go into siege mode and lay down long range fire for 8 seconds. He also has some built in tankiness (converting AP/Armor) and magic pen (when in siege mode) to where he can guaranty he'll basically be doing true damage to his opponents.

Interested in buying but definitely need to play them first:

Cassiopeia: She's an AoE mid laner with a supposedly very high skill cap. I'd like to try her and see how she performs.

Graves: I've played as him a couple times on the free week. He feels pretty cool but there's nothing about him that screams, "You must play me!". Still, I'm looking for an AD carry that I like and he's been the one I liked the most so far.

Irelia: I've heard people talk about how versatile and solid she is. You see the pros play her alot. I'm intrigued but not sold.

Jayce: Lots of versatility but not much flavor. It's funny but I'm not normally into the flavor and yet this guy's complete lack of flavor bothers me a bit.

Leona: I meant to play her on free week but the opportunity never came up and supports are tough to test against bots. She's a hyper aggressive support with a passive that's very strong in tandem with another champion. Could be very interesting.

Maokai: The premier jungler of the end of Season 2. I don't know how he'll do in the new jungle but his abilities are interesting (the little sapling he throws is awesome AND hilarious).

Mordekaiser: Looks very cool and has an interesting suite of skills. Very tanky but can be a pseudo-support (like Morgana) or a rock hard top lane bruiser. I've gotten pounded by him once and would like to try him myself.

Characters I'm vaguely intrigued by but are certainly not on my "Must buy list". I'll play them on a free week and there's a possibility I'll change my mind:

Hecarim: He's a beefy, melee centaur. Definitely worth checking out.

Rumble: A yordle in a power suit. He gets played in top lane with some regularity by the pros and he has an interesting assortment of abilities. Also worth checking out.

So those are my "interested in" list. If I bought everything on a sale week, it would cost me over 10,000 RP (~$70). If I just bought the ones I REALLY want, it would only cost 1,950 (of which I already have 1,100). I could then pick up the others over the following weeks with IP (which will, admittedly, take a good long while).


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