Thursday, January 03, 2013

The Lore of League of Legends

As I've gotten more into the game, one of the things I've realized is how well fleshed out the world is. Because Riot started with a pretty "shotgun" approach to champion creation, their champions cover a wide swath of genres. There are elemental phoenixes, military warriors, undead, a race unique to the setting (yordals), creatures of the void, talking fish people and a host of other types. Each character has a little blurb of history. For many of them, it's merely a unifying element to give some relationships to the champions (Teemo and Tristana are friends, Draven and Darius are brothers, etc) but if you read closer, you'll find some interesting hints about other future champions that might be out there.

Anivia: She's trying to bring other elementals into the world. Sounds like a Fire/Earth/Water/Plant/Metal elemental champion may be in the future?

Kog' Maw, Kha'Zix, Cho-Gath, Malzahar and Kassadin: All of these characters are affiliated in some way with the "Void". It's essentially the holding ground for Cthulhu-eque horrors. Not every champion can be from there but it does represent a nearly endless supply of possibilities.

Morgana and Kayle: They come from an angelic plane where angles and demons battle for control. Seems like others could easily come from here as well.

Blitzcrank and Orianna: These champs point to a complex steampunk type of technology that hasn't really been heavily mined.

I suspect that Riot will start putting out books that flesh out the lore. It seems like a slam dunk given the level of interest internationally around the game. It also provides them interesting possibilities for new champions that they can use at the drop of a hat.


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