Sunday, November 21, 2004

MNF Pregame debacle...

This is like the story that won't die I have no understanding of why this has become such a big deal. The skit was pretty lame but it wasn't particularly bad. She alluded to having sex and you see her towel drop behind her. There were and are worse moments on Dallas, Days of our Lives and Friends all shows that come on when children are typically awake. The FCC has opened its big mouth on the subject but they're legally not able to do anything. The problem comes from a few, very vocal people who feel that MNF should remain a bastion of purity (cheerleaders and commercials excluded of course). What about the woman who shampoos her head to orgasm? What about the endless Viagra, Enzyte and who knows what else commercials. Britney Spears Pepsi commercials were loaded with sexuality and noone complained. I don't know where this gigantic outrage is suddenly coming from. Did Janet Jackson's boob really create this much "awareness"? Or was it just the straw that broke the camel's back? In the meantime, I'd just like things to go back to the way they were, please. We can stop mentioning moral values, boobies, and the degredation of America for just a little while.


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