Thursday, April 11, 2013

Time for "Skill Level Analysis" time

Having now played ~50 games of ranked, I think I'm capable of a fairly sober assessment of my skill level. The following scale is based on my overall personal scale. 10 being "the best I'm mechanically capable of playing"... I'm only including the ones that I would even consider playing in a game. My champion pool (owned) is much larger than my champion pool (competency).

Ahri: 7
Akali: 4
Amumu: 8 (although I may be rusty on him because he's frickin' always banned)
Blitzcrank: 7 (I'll hit that one kill pull in the game, however)
Darius: 4 (I can play him competently and I want to start jungling with him but haven't yet)
Diana: 8 (both jungle and mid lane)
Elise: 3 (I'm not horrible with her but this is mostly a function of her skill curve being high... I think, with some practice, I could get a lot better with her quickly)
Hecarim: 10 (my go to jungler... by no means am I perfect with him but I will carry a game if even one of my opponents is less skilled then me)
Jayce: 3 (Unlike Elise, I don't fully get him... I essentially just play in ranged mode which is not good)
Kassadin: 9 (haven't actually gotten a chance to play him in ranked but mechanically I'm pretty solid with him in Dominion and the only difference would be in scaling back the ability spamming)
Katarina: 7
Kayle: 4
Kha'Zix: 4
LeBlanc: 7 (though I wouldn't play her in ranked because she tails off so bad late game)
Malphite: 9 (another "never get to play" champ)
Mordekaiser: 5
Nami: 6
Nasus: 6
Nocturne: 8
Nunu: 9
Shen: 3 (really need to practice him more... he's so boring though... all tank... no damage)
Skarner: 7
Sona: 10 (my best support by far... I feel like I play her well enough that even against really good opponents I don't embarass myself... I'm still a bit too vulnerable to pulls from Blitz/Thresh but that's a specific thing to work on... against anyone else, I just crush people)
Talon: 4
Taric: 4
Teemo: 4
Tristana: 3 (ugh... Still suck at ADC)
Udyr: 5 (been practicing him jungle... I think I'd be fine with him but have NO idea how to build him... no consensus online either)
Urgot: 4
Vayne: 3
Veigar: 5
Vladimir: 4
Yorick: 7 (played a game last night where, despite giving up an early first blood to an invade, I managed to stabilize at 0/3/0 and carried late game... who knows how well I'd have done without the early screw up).
Zac: 7 (haven't gotten to play him in ranked yet but he'll be my goto AP jungler after Amumu... He's so tanky if built right and a ton of fun to play).
Zilean: 8 (still don't like him but yet to lose a game with him... he's SOOOOO bursty early on that it always catches people by surprise).


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