Monday, January 28, 2013

Hecarim. A speedy little horse.

I got Hecarim unlocked and have been playing him a bunch. He's another character that I seem to "not suck too bad with" in the jungle. He's really fun to play with a neat set of abilities and the ability to really abuse Iceborn Gauntlet with his 2 second cooldown "Q".

You probably want to build a little bit tanky as his skill set tends to lend itself to diving in and initiating. A good core build looks something like this: Iceborn Gauntlet, Warmog's, Sunfire Cape, Abyssal Sceptre and an upgraded Hunter's Machete of some flavor (honestly, they're all good for him). Those five items make you pretty tanky while still allowing you to deal fairly good damage. His ultimate is fairly awesome (a charge with big aoe Fear at the end). It can go across walls and is a very powerful ganking tool early and initiation late. A couple notes about its use though.

First, it has a long range. It's easy to get caught out with it. My best initiates were when I caught the other team by charging in from behind them in the mid lane. Doing that requires certain conditions (they're either pushed past your outer turret or you've pushed them nearly to their inner turret). It's easy to screw up and either initiate in an awkward position (near the jungle, for example) or just charge forward too far so that you're alone with the enemy for too long. Picking your initiates well will separate you not from a good Hecarim and a great Hecarim but rather between a horrible Hecarim and a great Hecarim. I didn't initiate well last night and it probably helped cost us the game (the fact that our Ezreal couldn't do jack for damage didn't help).

Your early ganks are really good but, because of the way his charge works, they're really angle dependent. You really need to get in BEHIND the target to take full advantage of your knockback and pseudo-stun that comes with it. That means if you're blue, you probably want to gank bottom through the river bush and top through the tri-bush if you can. There are other ways to do it but those are the easiest. You also want to hit your E while you charge to maximize the healing you get from it (and the damage you do). Lastly, if you're trying to secure the kill and need to ult, aim your ult PAST your target so they fear back towards your teammates. It's only a 1 second fear but that can still be a lot of running in the wrong direction (especially since your iceborn gauntlet is going to make sure they have trouble getting away).

For Boots, I think that Boots of Mobility are a decent purchase but the one that has me excited is Boots of Swiftness + Alacrity. That jumps his speed to 405 at all times and adds 12% with every attack hit or charge. With his passive, that can be a lot of extra attack damage.

All in all, a very fun champion though.


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