Monday, September 27, 2010

Google may have a "profanity filter"

So I'm also going to try the much more innocent, "Eric Rackley World's Smartest Man"

Probably should have done that to start with. Oh well...

The square root of soon is never

Holy cow google updates fast

I googled "Bob Smith World's Largest Penis" (hereafter referred to as "the magic phrase" due to my growing discomfort with talking about it) about 2 minutes after posting. It's the first hit.

Now to get google's auto-fill magic to recognize it. C'mon search hits!

A gift for Bob Smith and his unit

If that heading scares you, don't sweat it. It's an outgrowth of an article that Eric found. The article concerned a British man who was suing Google because the most common search term when he put his name in was "John Smith Rape" and "John Smith Rapist". Never mind that this guy would never get his day in court in America because he actually was convicted of something earlier in life and these are the things that people are searching for (truth is an absolute defense against slander/libel).

It made Eric wonder if he could go to every computer he touched and search for something like, "Bob Smith World's Largest Penis" and start enough of a trend to get something into Google so that he could type "Bob Smith" and have it auto-fill.

So this is an experiment, for my friend, to see if we can increase his "google search cred"

If you read this, do a google search for "Bob Smith World's Largest Penis" and try to find this blog post in the search. It should prove an interesting experiment. I think multiple computers will be necessary but given that "Bob Smith" doesn't fill with anything now, it shouldn't be hard to get some positive hits.

PS If you've come here by accident, I have no idea about the truth lack-there-of of the rumor.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Since Republicans won't, I will...

For all the griping about the Obama Administration, I see precious little actually being proposed by Republicans. It's time for Republicans to stand up and say, "We've dug ourselves a whole. Some of its our fault, some of its their fault, but we're going to take responsibility for fixing it and here's how."

1) Commit to cutting the budget back to its pre-stimulus level this year and additional 5% per year cuts for the next 4-5 years (inflation adjusted would be fine with me so net downward in actual dollars of somewhere between 10-15%).

2) Renew the Bush Tax Cuts with the following exceptions.
a) Estate Tax @ 40% (the Dems have already said they're fine with this... that's 10% lower then the historical 50%). Keep the exemption at 5 Million (I'd be happy if it was lower but it doesn't break my heart)
b) Increase taxes on the highest two tax brackets by 1% each. I don't understand why the Dems have chosen to include people making up to $250k per year as "middle class".
c) Cap the home interest deduction at $10,000 (5% on 200,000).

3) Commit to running a surplus until the debt has been paid down to half its current level. There is no way to reduce the debt without running a surplus. It's simple math. Go ahead and stand up and say, "We won't kick and scream about 'give us our money back' when the inevitable surplus comes."

4) Commit to allocating SOME of the surplus to Social Security and Medicare (not to exceed 50%)

5) Take a long hard look at the corporate tax system and implement SIGNIFICANT simplification of that system as well as the consumer tax system.

That's the path to fiscal sanity and responsibility.