Thursday, June 28, 2007


Tuesday's USAToday contained a frightening editorial regarding Iran. Basically, they said that Bush was going to easy on Iran. They stated that they believed a nuclear strike would be warranted if they don't stop their nuclear program and then they said that in the meantime, there were other, more moderate, ways to approach the issue. They suggested that we create a military embargo of Iranian Gasoline (Iran doesn't have enough refinery capacity... so it is a net exporter of oil and a net importer of gasoline) and that we begin counterfeiting the Iranian currency...

Let's let that sink in a bit...

Yup... military action, counterfeiting and potentially nuking them... those are the "moderate" suggestions...


At 8:56 AM, Blogger Nick Manning said...

It's entirely possible that Ahmadenijad will be voted out next election cycle. There are a large number of Iranians that are moderates and many that aren't so moderate yet are wary of being attacked because of his anti-Western rhetoric. Or, it's possible he'll be re-elected and then who knows what will happen with any certainty. Those moderate suggestions are just ridiculous. Let me guess, was it written by a neocon? Sounds very Ann Coulterish.


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