Friday, September 30, 2005

Listening to Rush Limbaugh is good for a laugh

Rush is busy railing against the current Bill Bennett flap that cropped up this morning. However, he's attacking the "media bias" regarding the story. However, if you read the AP piece you'll see that they are reporting it exactly as Rush is. In fact, you'll see that the two quotes attributed to Bennett after the initial, ill-considered statement are both included (Rush is saying that the "mainstream media" isn't including these statements which is simply not true).

Rush is also busy saying that the Dems (as he calls them) are upset because they think that Bill Bennett is a baby killer. What they are really upset by is the insinuation that unborn black children are more likely to grow up to be criminals then their white counterparts.

It's unfortunate, but we have a wide variety of "racist" statistics in America. It's entirely debatable as to what causes them but the fact is that the crime committing population of the Unites States is disproportionately black. Rush should be attacking the Dems blind ignorance of statistics, but then that would entail an actual debate about actual problems that are difficult and unpopular subjects of discussion. Oh well.


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