Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hurricane who?

Katrina has been on everyone's mind... and Ophelia dropped about a billion tons of water on coastal carolina... Now Rita is making a beeline for Texas, which is sure to be upsetting to the New Orleans evacuees... But why is noone talking about Jova... That's right, Hurrican Jova. A class 3 Hurricane headed for about 1.2 million of our fellow Americans... Americans who won't be able to evacuate quite as easily as New Orleans natives either. Jova is a Pacific Ocean hurricane that is headed dangerously close to Hawaii. Pacific ocean hurricanes don't get alot of press. Hawaii's size and southern location (Hawaii about as far south as Cuba) make it an unlikely hurricane target. But this hasn't been a normal hurricane season and, unsurprisingly, Hurricane Jova is heading dangerously close to the island state. Right now the predictions are that it'll swoop just north/east of Hawaii. That would mean that Hawaii would dodge the bulk of the damaging winds and rains that occur in the front right quadrant of a Northern Hemisphere hurricane.

Anyways... Keep an eye out for the Hawaiins... a southern dip in Jova's path or a sudden western rush and Hawaii could give New Orleans a run for its money.


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