Thursday, September 01, 2005

Intelligent Design?

How come noone is talking about the central premise of Intelligent
Design and how logically faulty it is? The idea that if we can't
explain something then the only possible explanation is for a higher
intelligence to have done it is pretty much ludicrous. We can't
explain how gravity influences object. Does that mean that we are
experiencing the "Hand of God" every day? 1,000 years ago astronomers
were unable to explain how planets and stars traversed such odd paths
through the sky. Later we found out it was because we were revolving
around the sun as well.

There are, literally, millions of things that cannot be explained by
society. The notion that we should use God as the explanation for this
one thing is a bit silly to me. I'm not speaking from the point of
view of an agnostic either. Rather I'm speaking from the point of view
of logic. Christians don't believe that God has an active hand in
everything that is unknown. They recognize that science, history and
psychology have limits to their understanding.

I've often felt that if there's a God then he must have left dinosaur
bones (as one example) for us to find. Their presence and structure
tells a story. If there's no divine force behind it then we're talking
about history. If there is a divine force behind it then God obviously
wants us to ask these questions. Evolutional theory could just as
easily be viewed as the question, "What story is God trying to tell


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