Friday, October 29, 2004

I've been missing for awhile and just wanted to report in.

Lesley and I have completed our relocation and our now firmly mooching off of the inlaws. She starts her new job (at the place that she used to work when she lived up here before we got married) Monday. I'm still looking and have (depressingly) not even gotten an interview... Very unfortunate. We're going to try to get preapproved for a house once Lesley starts working so we can at least start looking. It's still possible we could move in by Turkey day but not very likely.

I'm currently enjoying a double obsession. I've been playing Championship Manager (the game where you get to manage a professional soccer team) to the point that when you click on game status it now has "Addictedness Rating: All CM4 and now work... yippee!"

My second obsession has become PBEM (Play by email) Diplomacy. For those of you that don't know diplomacy is like Risk but without dice. If you can convince someone to help you with invading a country and there's only one army to defend it then you win. I just started playing in one game and am now joining a second. It's actually very interesting as the game community has managed to make the game very chess like over the past 30 years. The difference is that, suprise, there's diplomacy involved so it's more like Chess with 6 opponents rather then 1. Very interesting and very fun. Anyways, now that things are settled I will be posting more. I may or may not try to catch up on the JEHPR.

Wish me luck on the job search.