Tuesday, June 08, 2004

AdWare is the new evil

I spent all of last night trying to remove some AdWare that we managed to pick up on our computer. I'm still running Adaware, Spysweeper and CWShredder. I've rebooted five or six times and continue to get the adware replaced as soon as I reconnect to the net. I'm assuming there's one small piece that none of the software is finding that is running out and collecting all of it but I can't be certain (it could be some systemic vulnerability I suppose... )

I find it humourous that congress and the media are all upset over Spam when spam is nothing more then an annoyance. Adware is a vicious infection of your computer. Usually far worse then a virus because it infects your computer so pervasively that eliminating it is very very difficult (probably impossible without the help of dedicated software).

If anyone's got any suggestions on other software to try just let me know. If I can't purge everything this next time I try I'm going to throw another virus scanner on there and see if that isn't compounding the problem. God I love Windows XP and its security flaws.


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I would download both Ad-Aware and Spysweeper. It's sad but they don't find the same stuff. Ad-Aware seems to find a bit more (if you set it to scan everything) but spysweeper has a decent (if unspectacular) active scanner. I would also make sure I had a copy of CWShredder to use. Cool Web Search is the most horrible little thing ever. It is very good at infecting a bunch of different places on your computer and then recreating itself if you miss even one of them.

As for stuff that is driving you nuts Check the following places:
Temp Files and Temporary Internet Files
Start Menu
Registry entry: Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run... Anything in there that looks fishy can be checked by just putting the letter A in front of the executable (arundll32.exe for example) and rebooting... If you have problems with something just go back and check...

Oh, and stop looking at porn ;)


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