Friday, February 22, 2013

Pros can make horrific decisions too

Last night's game of CLG vs. Dignitas included one of the most bizarre champion picks and builds I've ever seen from a pro. You can fast forward to the end of the game to look but essentially here's the decision tree:

HotshotGG is choosing his top laner. So far, Dignitas had picked Kayle, Vi and Singed and CLG had picked Mundo and Alistar and was about to pick Ahri concurrently with Hotshot's pick.

So CLG is already fairly tanky with Mundo and Alistar. Ahri is kind of a hybrid burst/sustain mage who isn't quite an assassin but isn't quite mage either. Presumably they'll also pick an adc. Mundo can do some decent hybrid damage with Masochism and Alistar is mostly magic damage. The other team is looking at a mostly physical jungler, mostly magic top laner and a mid laner who can be either hybrid or mostly AP.

So in that context, why pick Galio? The team is going to be somewhere between 2.5 parts physical, 1.5 parts magic or 2:2. Either way, they aren't going to be heavy magic damage. So I question why the Galio pick unless he's planning on stacking MR right away and being a giant lane bully against Singe. As we'll see, that wasn't the case. Somewhat relevant to the follow-on case is that Malphite was available.

CLG then initiates a lane swap. This puts Galio against Zyra and Draven on the bottom. Now, Hotshot builds (in some order):
Ninja Tabi (1000gp)
Glacial Shroud (1500gp)
Chain Vest (720gp)
Ruby Crystal (475gp)
Locket of the Iron Solari (2000gp)

Take a look at that list. I can virtually guarantee to you that you'd be reported for trolling in solo queue with that build list on Galio. That list gives the following stats:

160 armor
25% CDR
300 mana
580 health
for 5695gp

He's build not MR, not AP and relatively little health. He has 8154 effective health against physical and 3178 effective health against magic and his ult hits for a paltry 450 damage (+ up to 80% if he takes a lot of auto-attacks).

Let's look at a better way for him to have spent that gold. If he's going for maximum tankiness:
Aegis of the legion
Chain Vest
costs 5500 (enough left over for boots) and gets you 8311 effective health against physical and 5305 effective health against magic. It also boosts his ult to dealing 470 damage (not that much more) and grants an aura to your teammates boosting their resists and health regen.

if he was going for some additional damage
Runic Bulwark
Spirit Visage
Ruby Crystal
costs 5875 gold and gets you 5861 EHP against physical, 6588 EHP against magic. Your ult now does 500 damage and you're still granting the aura. Spirit Visage boosts both the passive from Runic as well as the shield that you're liable to get maximum use out of when you ult (further increasing your effective HP).

Finally, it's not really clear what his spare parts were building towards? Was the chain vest to become a Sunfire Cape? What about the extra ruby crystal? Spirit Visage? And the Glacial Shroud was almost certainly going to become a Frozen Heart. Does the following build look like something that should EVER be put on Galio?

Frozen Heart, Ninja Tabi, Spirit Visage, Sunfire Cape, Locket of the Iron Solari? That build would be right at home on Malphite (probably flip the Spirit Visage for an Abyssal or Warmog's but close). But on Galio, you're selling yourself COMPLETELY out for your ult. You want to channel for the full 4 seconds while your team shreds the enemy. And if they'd had Anivia, Miss Fortune and Amumu, it might have worked (once!). But Alistar and Mundo don't exactly put out massive aoe damage. Kog'Maw can shred single targets but not groups and Ahri needs some luck and positioning to effectively apply her damage over multiple targets.

I was just shocked over the badness of that build and can't help but wonder if he didn't get mixed up and think he was playing Malphite or something.


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