Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sometimes you just have a game where everything "clicks"

last night, my last game I played we had the following

ADC Vayne
Instalock Ashe mid
teamed up Garen/Wukong top (no jungle)
I picked Sona to support

Playing versus a Vayne / Lulu on bottom
Kayle top
Warwick jungle and someone mid that I can't remember

This kind of team didn't give me a lot of confidence, frankly. But I hadn't gotten to play Sona in awhile so it seemed okay. We start the game and Garen and Wukong are DC'd. Great. 3v5. I ask if I should go top but Garen comes back roughly as the creeps are engaging. So he'll be behind a bit but not the end of the world.

First blood on Garen. Well, I know which way this is going.

And then it happens. I get a good pop on Lulu and Vayne tumbles in for the kill. Nice.

The enemy Vayne tries to salvage it by hitting Vayne. Apparently he doesn't realize that pre items, I hit harder then Vayne. We get another kill.

We proceed to get 6 kills in the bottom before they switch and go mid. They kill our Ashe and send Warwick to the bottom with Lulu. At this point, our Vayne is so fed that this just results in us farming Warwick rather than their Vayne. Somewhere in there I get a kill and then another kill from soloing a split pushing Lulu.

In the end, we had 24 kills. Our Vayne had 17 and I had 4 (with 11 assists).

The lane swap was particularly dumb of them because, yes, we were bullying them. But, if you're going to do it, you have to commit. You can't go up there, get a couple kills/assists and then come back to the bottom to get pounded again. All that does is reset your gold bounty back to where it would have been rather than the diminishing number it had shrunk to.

Sona with Lichbane and Archangel's hits like a truck btw. I was taking Lulu and Vayne down to half health with my alpha and then easily able to chase them down with my E speed steroid. I was making sure other people (Vayne primarily but Ashe too) got the kills but I didn't really need their help in any 1v1 except for Kayle (and only then because of her ult). Not every game will go that smoothly, the other team had some bad players and our Vayne as definitely on the good end of the spectrum. But it was nice to finish the night with a proper slaughter ;)


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