Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My personal skill list

I own enough champions now that it's probably easier just to keep the whole list. Clearly, my best position is support though I now have some decent top, mid and junglers to fall back on (though not a lot of variety and my best top and jungler are perma-banned... Malphite and Amumu). The scale is totally subjective with 5 being the "won't embarass myself" level of skill and 10 being "l33t pro" level of skill.

A lot of my 5's and 6's are people that I might be pretty good at but haven't had the guts / opportunity to play them in a PvP game yet (Urgot, Cassiopeia, Jayce, Darius, Galio, Irelia, Kassadin, Malzahar, Shen, Talon all falling in that list). Right now, I'm still pretty horrendous at ADC. Corki and Ezreal are downright embarassing. I'm decent with Graves but can't seem to carry. I think I've got the mechanics for Urgot down and want to try him against humans. I can dependably carry an intermediate bot game with him which isn't exactly "challenging" but is a good barometer for your mechanical skills with a champion. I can also beat an intermediate bot with Jayce without ever going back to base (that was a fun game) which, again, isn't exactly "special" but is kind of a metric I've started looking at.

So, without further ado, here's my list (NP = "Never Played"):

Ahri    8
Akali    6
Alistar    4
Amumu    8
Anivia    5
Annie    4
Ashe    NP
Blitzcrank    7
Brand    NP
Caitlyn    NP
Cassiopeia    6
Cho'Gath    4
Corki    3
Darius    6
Diana    7
Dr Mundo    NP
Draven    5
Elise    6
Evelynn    NP
Ezreal    5
Fiddlesticks    5
Fiora    NP
Fizz    NP
Galio    5
Gangplank    NP
Garen    NP
Gragas    5
Graves    6
Hecarim    7
Heimerdinger    7
Irelia    5
Janna    4
Jarvan IV    NP
Jax    NP
Jayce    5
Karma    NP
Karthus    4
Kassadin    5
Katarina    6
Kayle    3
Kennen    NP
Kha'Zix    4
Kog'Maw    NP
LeBlanc    7
Lee Sin    NP
Leona    NP
Lulu    5
Lux    6
Malphite    8
Malzahar    5
Maokai    NP
Master Yi    NP
Miss Fortune    NP
Mordekaiser    5
Morgana    4
Nami    NP
Nasus    5
Nautilus    4
Nidalee    NP
Nocturne    5
Nunu    8
Olaf    NP
Orianna    5
Pantheon    NP
Poppy    NP
Rammus    4
Renekton    NP
Rengar    NP
Riven    3
Rumble    4
Ryze    5
Sejuani    NP
Shaco    NP
Shen    5
Shyvana    NP
Singed    NP
Sion    4
Sivir    5
Skarner    7
Sona    8
Soraka    6
Swain    5
Syndra    NP
Talon    5
Taric    6
Teemo    6
Thresh    NP
Tristana    6
Trundle    NP
Tryndamere    NP
Twisted Fate    5
Twitch    6
Udyr    4
Urgot    6
Varus    NP
Vayne    4
Veigar    6
Vi    NP
Viktor    NP
Vladimir    6
Volibear    NP
Warwick    3
Wukong    NP
Xerath    6
Xin Zhao    NP
Yorick    5
Zed    NP
Ziggs    5
Zilean    7
Zyra    5


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