Monday, February 25, 2013

A fun LoL game: Build your own OP champ

I saw this on the forums this weekend and thought I'd take a shot.

Pick a combination of Passive, Q, W, E, R abilities to make the most OP champ in the game. You have to respect the ability ratios and QWER assignment of the skill and if a champ is a dual form champ you can't get both halves unless you also take a form changing ability (usually through an ult).

My submissions would be

Darius Passive:
Ezreal Q
Irelia W
Sion E
Miss Fortune Ult

Darius passive applies bleed stacks on all targets hit by attacks or abilities. These also boost his speed. Ezreal Q scales off AD, applies on hit affects (like the passive) and Irelia W provides significant sustain from auto-attacks. Sion's E allows a toggleable damage steroid that will also boost hit points for increased survivability. MF ult will apply darius bleeds to the entire enemy team and can be kept low on cooldown with Ezreal Q.

Katarina passive
Nidalee Q (Javelin)
Ryze E
Karthus E
Lux Ult

Ryze's has a targetable snare. Nidalee spear plus Lux ult then can't miss. Katarina passive refreshes everything and knocks 15 seconds off the already short cooldown for Lux Ult (as low as 24 seconds). Karthus E provides mana sustain as well as PBAoE damage to finish people off and guarantee lots of assists to further reduce cooldown.

Malzhar Passive:
Sona Q
Sona W
Twisted Fate E
Caitlyn Ult

Sona Q and W guaranty that Malzahar voidlings are being spit out non-stop (one every 8 seconds or so). By building AD and taking advantage of Twisted Fate's E, your voidlings will be hitting very, very hard. Caitlyn's Ult has a 2.0 AD scaling and a 700 base damage so can easily hit for 1300+ at the end of a game.

Galio Passive
Rammus Q
Zilean W
Malphite E
Singed Ult

Zilean W allows Singed Ult to be up permanently. Build Runic Bulwark, Guardian Angel and other armor/mr items for maximum tankiness. Malphite E guarantees people can't hurt you much and you can get it off twice in quick succession with Zilean W. If things go bad, Rammus Q is back up and you can roll off.

Ryze Passive
LeBlanc Q
Ahri W
Xerath E
LeBlanc Ult

E into Ult stuns, then cast Q stunned again... then cast W and silenced, at this point E is back up due to passive so stun again then silence again with Q W... if the target isn't dead, you haven't bought enough AP.


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