Thursday, September 13, 2012

Freedom of Speech

A break from my Eve related economics posts but one that I felt was important (and also, not unrelated to Eve if you've been reading

After reading this article (, I found myself mentally answered the unasked questions. And it occurs to me that many countries who have never had Democracy OR Freedom of Speech don't understand the connection. They hear tolerance and think that it must be enforced because in their previous political system, the government stood for only itself. So logically, in a Democracy, things would be better. The Government would stand for the little guy.

Americans understand the fallacy of this. Regardless of left or right, the thought of actually censoring this ridiculous video is a bridge too far for any American. It wouldn't shock me if you released a poll asking that very question if the number polled somewhere south of 5%. Americans have a long history of even being uncomfortable breaking up such vile things as the KKK, an organization that actually ACTED on their inciting hate speech. Too actively move against a youtube video would seem to be so fundamentally anti-American as you can get.

There is a saying, attributed often to Voltaire (the source is in some dispute), "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." That phrase, perhaps more than any other, sums up our national philosophy on free speech. We believe that you cannot have true democracy without near absolute free speech. And that speech surrounding political/religious/cultural issues is particularly sacrosanct. We have laws that prevent lies (fraud, slander, libel) and we have restrictions affecting public safety ("fire" in a crowded theater is not protected, nor is "Let's go out and shoot X"). We even have laws (HIGHLY controversial laws) that penalize ACTUAL CRIMES more heavily when they are accompanied by hate speech (If I beat up someone, I may get 5 years. If I do it while shouting racial epithets, I may get 15 years for example). But actual laws with the sole purpose of restricting speech? No one in America wants that.

All this is to say that no one is condoning the video. No one is out there saying, "Yup, that was great!" MOST Americans think that the person who made it is an idiot. On top of that, he MIGHT have some civil liability in regards to these deaths (although that will be very difficult to prove). But to censor the video? To jail him for releasing it? Those ideas seem just plain out of kilter with reality. As a result, there appears to be a very large disconnect from the Libyan (and Egyptian and Yemeni people one presumes) and Americans. They are shocked that a Democracy that preaches tolerance would allow such a video. We are shocked that a Democracy would be asked to censor such a video. And we become two ships passing in the night (shooting at each other to extend the metaphor). In this case, attacking the emissaries of the country that houses the person you're really upset.

For those upset about the video (or any speech that offends you), I offer this up to you. If your God is truly the mighty being that you believe him to be, then his will will be done. Truth will out. Your God is mighty enough and righteous enough that this video will not even be a blip on the radar. Feel free to boycott products. If you don't like America's policies then you can even boycott all American products. You can actively speak out against America. You can vote for candidates that will apply diplomatic pressure. You can build your economy to be an economic rival. You can do ANY of those things. But to take another human life is too far. It would be bad enough if it was the person responsible for the act you're upset by. But to take another's life as a PROXY? That is a line that no God will condone. That is a black stain on your soul that will follow you for the rest of your life and into the after life. I'm far from a theological scholar but I feel reasonably comfortable that that's a true statement for any main stream religion.

I understand you're upset. And I'll defend your right to be upset. But rampaging destruction and death brings down everything and everyone.


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