Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some underused, under appreciated, Dominion cards

There's some cards that just has no love for. I thought that I'd highlight these.

Wishing Well: Agreed, generally you don't want to buy these. But, having been Swindled into them several times I think that they're generally pretty good to draw and I'd say they're better than silver in a mature deck. A) they replace themselves and B) if you're smart, they're good filters for your deck. For example, if you're holding 6 treasure in your hand don't say "Silver" hoping to buy a Province. Say, "Estate" so you can make sure the top card isn't an estate. Pick the card that is highly likely and pay attention to you deck composition. Think of it as a Spy not a chance to draw a miracle card and you'll like it a lot better.

Pawn: I don't know why people don't mention this card more. Worst case scenario it cycles through your deck. Best case, it gives you that extra gold or extra buy that you desperately needed. I Always buy these when I have two coins available and I'd argue that an early 8 treasure, 2 buy hand probably benefits more from Gold/Pawn then from a Province.

Market: There's a lot of Market hate online. It's a bit more subtle then a Festival but I'd argue in most decks it's a better buy then a Silver. I'd probably generally buy a Festival over it but I don't think I'd buy a Laboratory first.

Spy: The trick with Spy is knowing when to discard your opponents top card and when to let them have it. When has a Chapel player burned enough cards that the Chapel is less then optimal? When is Copper a bad draw. Obviously, leaving victory cards on top is the easy thing to do but your decisions on the marginal cases will help you more. It cycles and filters your deck somewhat too so it's pretty good from that standpoint as well.

Woodcutter: Yeah, I don't really like this card either.

The square root of soon is never


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