Monday, January 25, 2010

Long time no see

Haven't written to my blog in awhile and I figured there was ample reason to.

Christmas was fantastic. The whole family from both sides (sans Nathan) were here. Everyone enjoyed getting to see Gina again and Darcy got to really enjoy her first Christmas in which she could somewhat appreciate it.

Nathan and Sam are getting married. He popped the question to her a couple days ago and she (surprising no one) said yes. Nathan is quite happy although now there's the logistical problem of actually figuring out a way to GET married. But that's small potatoes.

Lesley's back is (still) giving her problems. Her new regime of physical therapy and shots in her back seems to be providing some improvement. Only time will tell, however.

I'm also playing a lot of Dominion right now. But that's a separate blog post ;)


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