Monday, June 28, 2004

Sorry I've been MIA

Things have been pretty crazy. I was laid off today. Didn't come as a complete surprise to me really. I think one of the reasons that they didn't retain me was that I wasn't really able to articulate a clear desire for a specific job. It's something I've been struggling with lately. Finding a job or a genre of jobs that can maintain my interests. Everything I can think of is either unattainable due to my age or it's vaguely interesting but seems like it would get dull after a short time. Is this a problem that all smart people have? Do I need to just suck it up and do something that pays well but that bores me to tears? Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about's definitely hard trying to figure out what you want to do in life sometimes. I'm still kind of working on it myself, but I'm making progress. I don't have much advice, other than to figure out what you really like doing and try to find a career in it somewhere. (Can you get paid to play City of Heroes all day?) Anyway, take care and drop me a line sometime. Have you seen Spidey yet? And Happy early Birthday, in case I forget later...


At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that also :(

I was in a similar position... so I joined the Marine Corps! You could do the same :) Come to Iwakuni for a couple of years! Ok maybe not... but my point is, You need to keep moving forward, even if it is at a slow pace... (finding a job that bores you to tears is not forward progress) Go back to school and get your MBA, find a job that you do enjoy that has a future. Just keep moving, don't stagnate...

Just remember, when driving the road of life, sometimes you are the windshield... others the bug.

ok sorry... my point is Apathy is the enemy.

Love much

At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I posted a comment before, I think there is something wrong with these computers... it doesn't seem to send things like it says it does

I am sorry to hear of your loss of a paycheck too, but in the end if you didn't enjoy what you were doing then that is all it was... a paycheck... which you can find anywhere. The majority of places you find it you won't like. I joined the Marine Corps for a paycheck, so that I could figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I got 4 more years to do so :) You should find something you like to do, then worry about making it profitable... with a little bit of business sense (which I think you have found along the line) you can make anything a profession... you could write for a living... you could start a consulting company of your own... that way you could tell people who would be your boss what you really thing about them :)

Shrug, just be happy that is what I am ordering you to do (I got promoted on the first ;) )

And always remember, on the road of life sometimes we are the windshield, sometimes... just a bug



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