Friday, August 10, 2012

Combat Recon vs. Force Recon Ships

Like I said the other day, the economics of EVE fascinate me. Nowhere is that more interesting then in the economics of T2 ships. They are, arguably, the most complicated things in the game to produce. Now that PI has been implemented, they require:

1) Moon's are mined
2) Moon minerals are refined once
3) Moon minerals are refined twice
4) Components are manufactured into 1 of 4 different "families" of parts (one for each race)
5) A T1 hull ship is produced (from the standard 7 minerals)
6) Construction blocks are created (from PI)
7) Datacores are researched (from agents)
8) A decryptor is found (from exploration)
9) A BPO is copied
10) the copy, decryptor and datacore are combined for a CHANCE at creating a T2 BPC
11) The T2 BPC, MORE minerals, the components (step 4), the hull and the construction blocks are combined to make a ship

And that leaves out a couple small steps (building RAMS, finding the decoder in the first place, etc).

So it's very, very difficult to determine price and profit accurately (lots of places to make mistakes).

One of the areas I'm confused by, and if anyone has any observations, I'm all ears.

Is in the price discrepancy between Force Recon and Combat Recon.

These are unusual ships in that they use the same hull and have NEARLY identical construction costs (basically differing by 2 sensor clusters which run about $17k apiece).
They are VERY similar ships with the Force Recon trading a EWAR combat boost of some flavor for cloaking ability and the ability to fit a Cynosular Field Generator to create jump points. What I find interesting is the current market situation for them is "off" to say the least. They should have either identical prices or perhaps some directional bias for Force Recon being preferred over Combat Recon (or vice versa). But they have nearly identical supply side economics.

Instead, we get this (based on best Jita Sell price as of this morning)
Force Recon Ships:
Pilgrim $145MM
Rapier $164MM
Arazu $157MM
Falcon $151MM

Combat Recon Ships
Curse $137MM
Huginn $209MM
Lachesis $203MM
Rook $119MM

I'm left with a couple possible conclusions.

1) Huginn and Lachesis are the preferred Combat Recon Ships while Pilgrim and Falcon are the preferred Force Recon Ships. This seems unsatisfactory to me as the Curse is, by all accounts, a very popular combat ship... it should be a popular purchase and a popular death (although it can fit a heckuva tank)

2) The T2 BPO market is supplying the market for Rooks and Curses. This seems possible.

3) Some sort of nerf/buff has occurred on some of the ships that has flipped the market on its head.

Any thoughts?

It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
-Abraham Lincoln

The problem with Internet quotes is that you can never be certain of their accuracy
-Abraham Lincoln


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